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Archives 2014
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal
Volume 26, Number 1
TITLE: Effect of Health Education on Changes in Dietary Habit and Cardiovascular Risk Factors among Sedentary Workers
AUTHOR: Moh Moh Hlaing, Theingi Thwin, Mya Ohnmar, Sandar Tun, Thuzar Aye, Yin Lynn Myint, Thidar Khine; Pe Zaw Oo
SOURCE: Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal. 2014; 26(1):52-59
ABSTRACT: The study was done 10 assess the effect of health education on readiness to change dietary habit and change in cardiovascular risk factors among employees. The study was pre-, post-test study and conducted in Myanmar Timber Enterprise (Head Quarter), Kyokone, Insein Township, Yangon during 2011. A total of 196 employees underwent the screening procedures for cardiovascular risk factors (measurement of height and weight, waist circumstances, blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose and lipids profile). Among them, 3 6.7%, 11.7%, 17.8% and 19.4% of employees had hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and obesity, respectively. After screening procedures, 50 employees with one or more cardiovascular risks (obesity/diabetes, hypertension /hypercholesterolemia) gave consents to attend bimonthly health education sessions (promotion of healthy dietary habits and physical activity) for six months. After six months of inter-vention, the end-line assessment on body weight, waist circumstance, blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose and lipid profile was done on 33 participants. Change in dietary habit was interviewed with the structured questionnaires before and after health education. At the end-line assessment, 32 employees had changed their dietary habit but one employee could not change his dietary habit in spite of increasing knowledge. Mean body mass index, waist circumference, tasting blood sugar, mean total cholesterol before and after intervention were 30
SUBJECT HEADINGS: Health Education. Food Habits. Risk Factors.