Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal
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Aims of MHSR Journal
  • To serve as an important medium for the publication of original research in the field of medical science and health research, thus filling gaps in health knowledge for effective utilization of research findings
  • To impart current medical knowledge and updated scientific information obtained from research to health professionals for better and appropriate health care management
  • To disseminate recent basic, applied and social research findings among health personnel of different strata for enhancing worldwide health development

Archives   2020

Myanmar   Health   Sciences   Research   Journal

Volume   32,  Number   2

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Improving Awareness and Transmission Risk Reduction Related to Japanese Encephalitis in Endemic Region of Myanmar
Maung Maung Mya, Aung Ye Naung Win, Sein Thaung, Zar Ni Min Hein, Pwint Mon Oo, Zaw Lin, Tin Oo, Khin Thet Wai & Kyaw Zin Thant
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal, 2020; 32(2):95-104
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Molecular Diagnosis of Haemoglobin E Among Pregnant Women Attending 300-Bedded Pyin Oo Lwin General Hospital
Khin Moe Aung, Nandar Ko,Thei Thei Moe Han, Myint Myint Khaing, Htay Htay Kywe, Myitzu Tin Oung, Htwe Htwe, & Khin Saw Aye
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal, 2020; 32(2):105-111
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Psychological Impact of Disaster among Flood and Landslide Victims in Mon State, Myanmar
Win Kyaw Thu Kaung San Kyaw, Soe Lin Naing & Win Le Mon
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal, 2020; 32(2):112-119
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Detection of Naturally Infected Wolbachia Bacteria in Dengue Vector Aedes Mosquitoes in Upper Myanmar
Mya Nilar Chaw Su, Yi Yi Mya, Myint Myint Aye, Nwe Nwe Kyaw & Aung Kyaw Kyaw
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal, 2020; 32(2):120-124
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Parents’ Perception On Sex Education Towards Their Adolescent Children in Twantay Twonship, Yangon Region
Tun Win Lat, Nan Hkawn Pan, Thiha Than, Nay Lynn Htet, Aung Kyaw Soe, Kyaw Phyo Paing, Thandar Tun, Swe Mar Myint Lwin
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal, 2020; 32(2): 125-131
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Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns of Conjunctival Bacterial Isolates Among Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery
Nann Shwe Aung, Khin Thawtar Shein, Khin Nwe Nwe Oo, Cho Cho Oo
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal, 2020; 32(2): 132-138
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Acute Toxicity of Three Medicinal Plants Using as Antidote in Myanmar
Swe Zin Aung, Khin May Thi, Ei Ei Htway, Aye Min Maw, Moh Moh Lwin, Aye Thida Htun, Zin Nwe Soe, Rai Kit, Khin Saw Aye
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal, 2020; 32(2): 139-145
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Thyroid Dysfunction in Down Syndrome Cases Attending the School for the Disabled Children, Yangon
Thitsar Htet Htet Htoo, San San Htwe, Win Pa Pa Naing, Ye Myat Oo , Aye Aye Lwin1, Moh Moh Hlaing, Aye Mya Khine, Win Win Mar, Yee Mar Tin
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal, 2020; 32(2): 146-151
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Anti-inflammatory Effect of Vitex negundo Linn. (Kyaung Pan Gyi) Leaves and Its Chemical Composition by GC-MS
Aye Aye Phyu, Ei Ei Htway, Khin May Thi, Kyaw Min Aung, Aye Aye Htun, Swe Zin Aung, Thiri Hlaing, Sandar Linn Maung Maung Thet
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal, 2020; 32(2):152-158
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Determination of Hair Staining Effect and Lawsone Content from Leaf Extracts of Lawsonia inermis Linn.
Thiri Hlaing, Khin Tar Yar Myint, San San Wai, Khine Sabel Aung, Aye Aye Phyu Mar Mar Myint, Aye Win Oo, Kyi Kyi Oo, Soe Myint Aye
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal, 2020; 32(2):159-165
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Role of Immunofluorescence in Detecting HER2/neu Status of Breast Carcinoma
Ohnmar Kyaw, Aye Aye Lwin, Moh Moh Htun, Swe Zin Myint, Myint Myint Nyein, Khin Saw Aye
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal, 2020; 32(2):166-172
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Hypolipidemic Activity of Combination of Extract of Zingiber officinale Rosc. (Ginger) Rhizomes and Citrus aurantifolia Linn. (Lime) Fruits Juice on Triton-Induced Hyperlipidemic Rats
Khine Khine Lwin, Mu Mu Sein Myint, Khin Phyu Phyu1, Aye Win Oo1, Phyu Phyu Win1, Khin Tar Yar Myint1, Myint Myint Khine, Hlaing Myat Thu, Kyaw Zin Thant
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal, 2020; 32(2): 173-179
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Viral Pathogens Associated with Acute Lower Respiratory Infections Among Hospitalized Children in Yangon Children’s Hospital
Han Win, Htin Lin, Mo Mo Win, Lay-Myint Yoshida, Wah Wah Aung, Hlaing Myat Thu & Ye Myint Kyaw
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal, 2020; 32(2): 180-184
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Abnormal Cervical Cytology Patterns among Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Women Attending Anti-retroviral Therapy Center of PyinOoLwin Township
Nandar Ko, Haung Naw, Than Than Maw, TheiThei Moe Han, KyawKo Ko Htet, Khin Moe Aung, KyawZin Linn & Win Naing
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal, 2020; 32(2): 185-186
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Vision : Achieving a healthier nation through application of research findings          Mission Statement : To Develop and promote solutions to the major health problems of Myanmar